Local, Global, Church Planting.
Here at The Hills our missions program encompasses serving locally within Las Vegas, globally around the world, and missionally through both local and global church planning. Join us in being the hands and feet of Jesus!
We partner with the Serving Our Kids Foundation to help feed and meet the needs of Clark County's homeless and at-risk children. We prepare lunch bags to be sent to our local schools for kids to have over the weekends. You can make a difference by giving to missions or helping us pack and deliver these lunches.
We partner with the Women's Resource Medical Center of Southern Nevada to help save the lives of unborn children by sharing the love of Jesus Christ through spiritual, physical, emotional, and educational support with their clients. This includes serving at the clinic with organizing donations, helping with paperwork, fundraising with their baby bottle campaign, etc. You can help by giving to missions, serving alongside the women and children, or volunteering at the clinic.
We partner with Olive Crest that helps foster children and youth in the Las Vegas area to connect them with a strong community to protect/nurture them and give them hope for a bright future. We offer free babysitting events to foster families, volunteer with admin responsibilities, and provide Christmas presents to families in need. You are able to help by donating to missions or getting involved with any of our partnered events.
We run an Adult Basketball League on our campus at the rec center every Sunday night during the game season. This is an opportunity to bring more people on our campus and share the love of Jesus through good community and good basketball. You can volunteer by helping us with taking stats, photos, running scoreboard, concession stand, or praying before a game. Follow us on instagram to stay up to date.
A group gathers together each week to give their time and talents to create items such as blankets, hats, washcloths, scarves, pillows, quilts, and dolls for those in need. Each item is imprinted with the truth, "Jesus Loves You". To get connected with this ministry, you can volunteer by creating the above items.
Global Outreach

La Chapelle | Montreal, Canada
With nearly 2 million people in Montreal, less than 1 percent even attend a Gospel-believing church. Despite widespread lostness, La Chapelle has seen more than 500 adults saved and baptized, and three churches started in just a few short years! La Chapelle is continuing the mission of planting more churches and seeing lives changed for Jesus.

Refugees | Italy
We support a team of missionaries who are bringing the Gospel to Muslim refugees that have migrated to Italy. They organize sporting events and parties to bring the refugees together so they can show them how much they are loved and cared for not just by the team serving out there, but by Jesus. The work in Italy is so very important and something that Shadow Hills Church is honored to be a part of.

The Mundos | Mexico City
Luis and Yolanda have served at “Rey de Reyes” Baptist Church for 28 years, at Cuernavaca (a city, located 1:45 hrs. South of Mexico City). Their church reaches people for Jesus through Sunday services and summer vacation Bible schools. Pray for them as they continue to spread the Gospel. Mexico has nearly 120 million people and is 85% Catholic.
One of the best ways we can love God and love others is by planting new churches. Churches help declare and demonstrate the power of the Gospel in each community. We are committed to planting churches here in our own city, as well as strategic cities all around the west.

Favor City Church
Las Vegas, Nevada
Joseph and Kristen Gibbons are planting Favor City Church, a new work that launched October 2021 in the Green Valley area. In 2019 they first learned of the epidemic of teenage homelessness in Southern Nevada which God used to open their eyes to the overwhelming need for new churches in our city. They accepted God's call to move their family to Las Vegas to plant this new work. They are incredibly grateful to walk this kingdom journey with The Hills.

YOUR Church
Las Vegas, Nevada
Jack and Kayla Diven are planting a church in the southwest of Las Vegas, NV. Preview services are coming up on February 18th.

Cross and Anchor Church
Detroit, Michigan
Josh and Emily Bowers have been serving the Lord in ministry of various forms for the last 15 years. Josh was a pastor in the Northwest US for 8 years at Fresh Life Church with Levi Lusko. Helping pioneer a church plant, he was a campus pastor, campus planter, and took on many different roles as the church grew. Josh and Emily felt called to pursue a church plant in a large city in 2016 and this journey led them to Detroit. Josh has an immense passion to preach God’s word and to see the city of Detroit experience the gospel of Jesus.
Southern Baptist Convention
Shadow Hills is a member of the SBC and proudly gives toward the cooperative program.
Cooperative Program
The Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving to the North American Mission Board (NAMB), the International Mission Board (IMB), SEND Disaster Relief, and the SEND Network (church planting network). Since the year 2000, The Hills has given more than 4 million dollars to the cooperative program to impact local and global missions!
Read more about the cooperative program here
Nevada Baptist Convention
Our state convention exists to serve, encourage, and resource pastors throughout Nevada, as well as help plant and revitalize new churches. The Hills is a member of the NBC and is fortunate to be a direct recipient of their impacting work in the state.

Pray for the work.

Live out your call to serve by taking a trip globally or serving locally.